Monday, October 30, 2006


Spent 5 days in Portland, Maine...first time visiting is a beautiful place aee pics..

I was in Portland, for the InterPride Annual Conference, and I must say it was a enlightening experience.

I was honored to be asked by Jill Barkley, the Dyke March Workshop coordinator for Portlant join her in presenting the first ever Dyke March Workshop was educational for me and I hope that my information on the Atlanta Dyke March was helpful.

Inclusivity or Diversity seems to be what is most needed in the Pride across the country and globally..

First let me say that not only were national prides represented, so were numerous international prides, such as Moscow, Zurich, Poland, Brazil, SriLanka, Philipines, Belgrade, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, along with Atlanta, GA, South Carolina, Florida, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, New York and so many others...a true building of community, that goes beyond our own backyard...but alot more work is needed to include all prides, all around the world...

Back to Portland, Maine...on our first day in Portland we were able to do a bit of we visited a couple of the light houses...much to my amazement...the rock ledges were extraordinary...beautiful...we were standing at the edge of the world....

Beautiful natural sites..that sometimes seem so far away from us in commercial cities...away from the waters that encircle us...where lights beacon to the ships to keep them safe...and sea gulls sit upon the waves that meet the land...and the sun meets the sea...