Latvian Anti-Gay Protestors Not Part Of WiderMovement Government Says365 Gay: "
(Riga) A probe into a right wing militantgroup involved in last month's violent attack on the gay community shows that itdid not receiving funding or support from other organizations the governmentannounced on Tuesday."
Backing Gay Measure Costs Fla. Politician KeySupporter365 Gay: "
(Orlando, Florida) Support for a fair-housing ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays and lesbians has costOrange County Mayor Rich Crotty the support of his biggest re-election backer."
Gay Sports Events Windfalls For Montreal,Chicago365 Gay: "
(Chicago) With only preliminary numbers inboth Chicago and Montreal say they raked in tens of millions of dollars from theGay Games and Outgames. Additionally both sets of competing sports events expect to show surpluses."
Gay Accuses Canadian Officials Of DraggingFeet On Hate Crimes365 Gay: "
(Edmonton, Alberta) An Edmonton gay man saysgovernment agencies are not moving quickly enough to shut down a series of Websites that he believes promote hatred of gays."
MilitaryCadet's Thesis Challenges 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'365 Gay: "
(Washington) Alexander Raggio was just 16 when he became the first to learn thatone of his relatives was gay."