Friday, August 11, 2006

McKinney Challenges 'results'

Electronic voting, no voter intent, no paper trail, no recount, our priviledge and our right to vote compromised, where are we headed? Is this part of the bigger picture and plan of this administration to transform this democracy to a Theocracy???? Please add your comments.

We are getting ready for Alternative Perspectives...a radio program that will bring you news of the GLBTQ community and all the issues that affect us...If you want your comments to be used on the air..please email me with your contact info...and if you want to be on the me so that I can provide you with the call in number, during the program.

Clik on title of this post for exclusive breaking news by APN...this news was an exclusive on WRFG 89.3 on thursday 8/10...on Current Events with Adam Shapiro, on the Progressive News Hour, Noon to 1pm.

Voting is the most important privledge and responsibility that we as citizens of the United States have. We must inform ourselves of the process and what it means...on Oct. 3, Alternative Perspectives will devote the majority of the program to Lobbying,with Larry Pelligrini, Voting, and Organizing. On the lighter side..we will also have a bit of spoken word, from one of Atlanta's newest and talented author/spoken word artist, Lakara Foster.

Oct. 10...Alice Lovelace, author, poet, activist, and GLBTQ ally, and one of the Southeast organizers of the United States Social Forum, ...A Global forum that will bring 20,000 social justice activist to Atlanta, GA. in June/07 listen in to WRFG 89.3 Tuesday, Oct 10 7pm to 8pm and learn more.