New Zealand Human Rights Law ProtectsTranssexuals365 Gay: "
(Wellington) New Zealand has become thelatest country to provide protections for the transgendered. Transsexuals arenot specifically named in categories covered by New Zealand's Human Rights Act."
Pair Charged In Deadly Blast Linked To GayPride Protest365 Gay: "
(Moscow) Prosecutors charged two people with hate crimes Tuesday inconnection with the bombing of a bazaar that killed 10 people and highlightedconcerns over the growing number of racially motivated attacks in Russia."
'We Are Part Of You' Black Gays Tell NYCAfrican Americans365 Gay: "
(New York City) Black gay community leaders andNew York politicians unveiled a bold new transit and billboard campaign inHarlem Tuesday aimed at reminding African Americans that gays are part of thelarger Black population."
Most NY Democrats Support Gay Marriage - ButNot A Clear Majority365 Gay: "
(New York City) A new poll showsthat 48 percent of likely New York State Democratic primary voterssupport same-sex marriage while 32 percent are opposed."
LGBTSchool Bill Passes Calif. Assembly365 Gay: "
(Sacramento, California) Legislation banning materials and activities inCalifornia schools that are discriminatory towards the state's LGBT community orportray gays in a negative light was passed late Monday afternoon in theAssembly."
Gay Foes Under Fire For Alabama CandidatesQuestionnaire365 Gay: "
(Montgomery, Alabama) A conservative groupthat orchestrated this year's amendment to the Alabama state constitution to bansame-sex marriage is under fire for a questionnaire asking candidates to thelegislature for their position on admitting gays the the Alabama National Guard."
Gays All But Disappear From Network TV365 Gay: "
(Los Angeles, California) The number of LGBT characters on major networkprimetime shows continues to drop according to a study of the upcoming fallseason."
CriminalProbe Launched Into Failed Cincinnati Anti-Gay Referendum365 Gay: "
(Cincinnati, Ohio) A criminal investigation has begun into allegations of election fraud in connection withthe collection of signatures on a referendum to repeal Cincinnati's LGBT rights ordinance."