In 365 Gay: Priest Fired From AIDS Agency Because He's Gay
(Utica, New York) A central New York priestalleges that he was denied participation in a Catholic mission to help increaseH-I-V awareness in Africa because of his homosexuality.
Betty Talk is a preview of the upcoming radio show 'Alternative Perspectives' news and views of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning community, news for you, by you, that will debut Oct 3, 2006 7pm to 8pm on wrfg 89.3 Atlanta. We stream at For more visit Please consider donating to WRFG...your station for 'Progressive Information' @
In 365 Gay: Priest Fired From AIDS Agency Because He's Gay
(Utica, New York) A central New York priestalleges that he was denied participation in a Catholic mission to help increaseH-I-V awareness in Africa because of his homosexuality.
In 365 Gay: North Carolina Anti-Gay Amendment Thwarted
(Raleigh, North Carolina) For the third year gay foes in the North Carolinalegislature have failed to get traction for a proposed amendment that would bansame-sex marriage.
In 365 Gay: Number Of PWAs Grows In Canada
(Ottawa) The number of people with HIV in Canadahas grown to 58,000, up from 50,000 in 2002 federal government report releasedMonday says.
In 365 Gay: VirginiaGay Marriage Battle Counts On Ground Troops
(Richmond, Virginia) The dog days of summer are at their most dogged as an army ofclipboard-toting men and women fans out across Richmond's upscale West End.
In 365 Gay: LesbianPrincipal Suit Goes To Trial
(Sheridan, Wyoming) A lesbian couple who contend neither was fairly considered for aschool principal job in Sheridan because of their sexual orientation did not getthe job because there were more qualified applicants, an attorney for the schooldistrict says.
In 365 Gay: IndianPrince Speaks Out About Decision To Disinherit Gay Son
(New Delhi) For the first time the head of one of India's princely familiesspeaking out publicly about his decision to disown his only son and heir afterhe came out.