Wednesday, October 04, 2006

First Show...Success

Hello...The first broadcast of 'Alternative Perspectives' happened on Tuesday, Oct 3..and we had a jammed packed program.

Larry Pellegrini..GLBTQ Lobbyist was with us, as was Traci and Willis of The World Can't Wait...2 members of the production team for Alternative Perspectives were with us.

We received a few callins..with comments, pro and con, about the subject we were discussing...the war, protesting, lobbying etc...and how it all affects the GLBTQ community and society.

Upon my arrival home last night...I had numerous emails from as far away as New York, and as close as Louisiana, and Florida in support of the program. I was overwhelmed by the encouragement, and participation of the GLBTQ community.

It is empowering to have a voice, and know that it is being heard.

Oct 10th show..Alice Lovelace...Southeast National Director for the United States Social Forum coming to Atlanta, June/07

CausticDames live in the studio...

and the Alternative Perspectives, production team.

We encourage your callins at 404 523 8989...your comments, and opinions are welcomed, dialogue is the key to community and building the bridges needed.

I have spent the last 3 years preparing for this...involved in my community, learning, talking, building relationships, that lead to the conversations, to cross those lines that intimidate, make us feel uncomfortable...but necessary.

This adventure, this journey that I have embarked on, is the next step, to events in my life that I view as destined, everything in divine order. I also know that none of us do anything alone, along the way individuals have crossed my path to encourage, and to help me move forward..others have actually joined and continue to do so...and are making the journey with me. I thank everyone that has had and have the vision of a world that can be just, fair to all, regardless of who they are, where they come from, there color, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, or socio-economic status.

My personal goals are to continue to learn, to find the answers to all that perplexes me and confuses me. It is a time for change, and we must do it together. Alternative Perspectives is a opportunity to be heard and to hear all of you. It is a blessing (ngosi) the African word for blessing. On Oct 17, you will learn how and when Ngosi, became a part of my life. So tune in on Oct 17, 7pm to 8pm to WRFG 89.3 and hear the story.

The previous post on this Blog has the Oct. schedule.

You can also keep up with the progress of Alternative Perspectives at, link on sidebar, there you will be able to read some of the reviews of the program.

See you on the Radio