Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Talk Radio...Alternative Perspectives

Well the time is drawing near for the debut of 'Alternative Perspectives' the radio program about the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and our Allies Community. The date is Oct 3, 2006...tuesday from 7pm to 8pm on WRFG 89.3...your station for progressive information. Call in number 404 523 8989.

I am excited and a bit scared...though I have produced more than a dozen programs in the past couple of years...and most of them recently...thanks to the generosity of my fellow airshifters, Adam Shapiro and Brian Sherman...Alternative Perspectives will be my show...allowing for a voice...to be heard in greater Atlanta and beyond...we stream @ http://wrfg.org ..and I hope that we catch the ears of those outside our area...

My hopes are that we will be able to reach a listening audience...that may not know to much about who we are...I want to be able to give some identity to the GLBTQ community...and along with our allies who support our struggle for equality, become the voice that will provide real stories, real situations, and real issues...our perserverance and our determination for justice...speaking to the truth about who we are. We have for a long time been maligned...by those that claim to be christian...but have lost their way, in my opinion, judging what they know little about.

What has brought me here...my involvement in the community, starting mainly with my participation in the Committee that was born...in 2004...Georgians Against Discrimination, formed to fight SR595...the amendment to the Georgia Constitution banning same sex marriage...and any other form of union for same sex relationships. We lost that vote...in 2004...but it was declared unconstitutional in 2006...and challenged by Governor Perdue...and reactivated and now stands as law again...but the struggle is not over...though I had been involved in the community socially and than organizing...GAD lit the political spark for me...

We have realized as a community that more work is needed...and new insights have been learned..and we now have stratedgies such as the petition...'Beyond Same Sex Marriage'. We have learned that we need to organize in such a way that our common goals must be the road we take...and building community within the GLBTQ community and our allies is absolutely necessary.

By gaining a voice on WRFG...89.3...we have an opportunity to discuss on public radio the issues that affect us...we can come together to tell our stories...and why it is so necessary to gain equality...on our jobs, our personal relationships, how to protect our children and how to benefit from what we build together as a family....

I believe that Diversity is our Army, Inclusion our Weapon, and Community our Victory....We are the most diverse community on the face of the earth...and by including everyone...and reaching out to our allies we can form a community that will be victorious and live up to our most precious 'Inalienable Rights' in our 'Pursuit to Happiness'.

I hope that once the program begins that this forum will be used to express your thoughts about what you heard...to ask questions and make comments...though we will open the phone lines at each airing...the program is only 1 hour..and sometimes we will not have the time to take every call...so I have created this forum specifically for the purpose of staying in touch with you the listening audience, and in time will create a weekly 'Betty-Talk' segment on air to address some of the questions and comments that post here the following week of the referred program.

The success of the program will depend on the quality of the programs, in this area I plan to invite community leaders, from the social, political, entertainment, religious, and news updates about the GLBTQ community locally, nationally and globally. It will also depend on you the listening audience...to listen and support the program...WRFG is a community supported station..and depends on the support of the community to stay on air...

The program will also be a resource to clarify...and give information about organizations that are working for you...such as HRC (Human Rights Campaign) AtlantaPride the producers of the largest GLBTQ festival in the southeast, and Trans=Action...A transgender organization among some...I name these because I am a member of each. In the past I have interviewed members of these organizations and also, AidsAtlanta, PFLAG, Unity Fellowship Church, ITLA, AHLI, TAVA, YouthPride, the interviews were brief because of time, but I hope to bring these organizations back to have more intense and detailed conversations about the work they do...I have interviewed talented individuals who have shared their work with us...and they to will be back...

Alternative Perspectives will be a community public affairs program...offering updates on the GLBTQ community...it will be news for you, by you and about you...and our allies.

Preview of Programming:
Oct 3
Learn to Lobby...with Larry Pelligrini GLBTQ lobbyist
Learn about the National Political Action scheduled for Oct 5...Traci of The World Can't Wait will be with us
Lakara Foster...author and poet...of 'The Day The Truth Was Told'
Hear the intro song..for program...by Lilli Lewis 'Less Than Holy'
and hear the new cd by 'CausticDames'

Oct 10
Alice Lovelace...Southeast National Director for the United State Social Forum coming June/07
CausticDames live in the studio...hear about their feed the hungry program

Oct 17
Shonia Brown...founder and CEO of Nghosibooks.com
hear phone interviews from some of the upcoming stars of tomorrow...

Oct 24
Donna Narducci, ED. of AtlantaPride...speaking to us..about her humanitarian trip with the Rainbow Fund to Guatemala...plus a look at the Pride Conference coming up...in Portland, Maine

Stay tuned for more weekly lineups...

Clik on title of post and visit.. Woman's World Online

and please post...anytime...with comments...questions...and if you have news I can use...let me know...@ betlear_info@yahoo.com

Thanks see you on the radio...:)



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